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Send us a message through this website, if you need to contact us in any way. We would gladly love to read messages from the Sedalia Weekly Observer's regular readers and fans. However, if we do not reply to your message right away please be patient. We at the newspaper office are very busy all of the time, and we also receive a lot of messages as well. So it may take us some time to get to your message and read through it. We do promise to read through all of the messages that our readers send to us. And we will get to back to you eventually.

If you find any inaccuracies and false information in our new stories, please send us a message right away. We will do our best to correct any of the misinformation that we have inadvertently written in our news articles. We do double-check all of our facts; however, some mistakes can happen. And we would appreciate anyone that takes the time to help us spot and fix those mistakes in our news stories. If we find any mistakes in our new articles, we will edit and correct that information in our published news.

    Please do not hesitate to contact us. If you want to reach a specific news writer, please indicate their name in the message that you send us. You can also visit our offices, which is located in central Sedalia. Business and advertising inquiries to the newspaper can also be sent through this website as well.